Contact Us

Please email us at with any questions you have about the show or our products. We are always happy to hear from our fans! We will respond within 24 hours to queries.


The delivery time varies for each product and by shipping destination, so please refer to our shipping policy. Before you order a product, you will be able to see the estimated shipping times to your location, including faster shipping options where available. Please note that althogh shipping times may seem long, this is the worst case scenario and many products are delivered before the expected time. If you have any further questions about shipping, please do get in touch at

Yes, you are able to return your order within 30 days after receiving your order. Please contact us at

Once you have placed an order you can change your delivery address, while the order is being fulfilled and before it has been dispatched. Please contact us at if you need to change your address.

We are currently working in collarboration with Tomy Toys to produce an exciting toy line in 2022. If you want to be the first to know, sign up to our newsletter and you won't miss out on any updates!

We accept most major debit and credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, Visa Debit, Delta, and American Express, as well as PayPal. Get in touch with us at if you think we need to add a new payment method -- we are always looking to improve our service!

Our delivery options are subject to the product(s) that you ordered being available and us taking successful payment. There may also be a discrepancy as to when orders arrive because they may ship from different locations. 

We understand how important it is for you to receive your order as quickly as possible. However there may be times when our delivery partners are unable to deliver your package on time due to factors  out of our control. Don’t worry, if we cannot ship to you right away, we will be in touch and do our utmost to keep you informed.